Anna's BIG Adventure, 2006

My name is Anna Green. This is the web log of my travels in Australia and Thailand between 5th February and 21st April 2006. I left home (Otley, West Yorkshire) on 5th February, flying from London Heathrow to Melbourne on 6th February, arriving on 7th. On 9th April I left Australia to spend 2 weeks in Thailand, meeting up with Paul in Bangkok.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Me and my Jacaroo hat

It seems a long time now since I met up with Suzen in Manly, swam (well, paddled) in the Pacific as the storm swept in from northwards, and bought a Jacaroo hat - very Australian! It was only last Thursday - 16th. That was the first time I'd been in the Pacific. I was aware of how lacking in confidence I feel about doing anything physical these days - ever since my slipped disc and frozen shoulder. The injury and trauma threw me off balance and I've not recovered it yet.

Suzen said the Jacaroo was a good hat and suited me - not a 'daggy' hat like the first one I tried on. It's served me well has that hat! I've been embellishing it with silk scarves. Today it's shades of pink and blue. Yesterday it went bushwalking naked, without embellishment, and I dipped it in the billabong and then put it on my head. this was wonderful! cold water down over my head and down my back, and the damp hat kept my head cool for ages. On Thursday the hat went up Mt Kosciuszko, with a sunflower yellow and red scarf tied over it, bonnet style, to stop the wind snatching it off my head. Coming down from Kosciuszko the crown of it was hot enough to fry an egg.


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