Anna's BIG Adventure, 2006

My name is Anna Green. This is the web log of my travels in Australia and Thailand between 5th February and 21st April 2006. I left home (Otley, West Yorkshire) on 5th February, flying from London Heathrow to Melbourne on 6th February, arriving on 7th. On 9th April I left Australia to spend 2 weeks in Thailand, meeting up with Paul in Bangkok.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Cool surfing dude ...

... well, not exactly! This is the closest I got to standing up, I think. I went surfing with Black Dog this morning (Monday 13th) and since they guarantee to get you standing up on the board in your first lesson, I am now entitled to another lesson, free, or my money back. I'll try another lesson, when I've recovered from the mental and physical exhaustion of this one - if there's time.

The weakness in my neck causes me real problems. It's not just the pain and the limited mobility in my left arm, it's the effect on my overall balance; and the effect on my confidence in my body and in my ability. Of course, I'm also overweight and generally unfit, but these two conditions are also partly a result of the injury and the subsequent period(s) of inactivity or limited activity.


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