Anna's BIG Adventure, 2006

My name is Anna Green. This is the web log of my travels in Australia and Thailand between 5th February and 21st April 2006. I left home (Otley, West Yorkshire) on 5th February, flying from London Heathrow to Melbourne on 6th February, arriving on 7th. On 9th April I left Australia to spend 2 weeks in Thailand, meeting up with Paul in Bangkok.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Wildlife on Fraser island

A lace monitor lizard spotted in a tree on our first afternoon on Fraser Island. It was probably about two feet long from nose to tail, maybe more. I heard a much bigger one crashing through the undergrowth when walking back from Lake Wabby a couple of days later, but I couldn't see it.

Last Wednesday, after my second dive at Julian Rock (Byron Bay) I spotted a large lace monitor crossing the car park just as we were about to get into the van. It was four or five feet long.

On the left, a Golden Orb spider. There are a lot of these around in the bush: usually the first thing you notice is the enormous web across a path or between trees. Sometimes you first become aware of it when you walk into it and feel the web across your face and in your hair.

This is a Huntsman spider - a pretty large one too (see how it measures up against the floorboards in the background). They look horrible but are apparently very timid. If they do bite (which is said to be rare) it's reputedly no worse than a mosquito bite.

A very over-exposed picture of a dingo. I don't think I've quite got the hang of the night portrait setting on the camera...

Actually, I quite like this picture.

Oh, and here's a dingo footprint, from the sand of Fraser Island. This was taken on Eulong Beach.


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