Anna's BIG Adventure, 2006

My name is Anna Green. This is the web log of my travels in Australia and Thailand between 5th February and 21st April 2006. I left home (Otley, West Yorkshire) on 5th February, flying from London Heathrow to Melbourne on 6th February, arriving on 7th. On 9th April I left Australia to spend 2 weeks in Thailand, meeting up with Paul in Bangkok.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Surfing group pic

This is the group I went surfing with this morning. I look happier when I'm not on the board! The guy waving his hat and giving the 'V' sign in the back row is one of the instructors. The guy on far right is called John and was originally from Skipton, North Yorkshire (it's a small world, etc.) but he's been over here for 10 years.

Oh, and the woman on the left in the front row (next to me) lives in Manchester.

Hey, I can upload pictures! I told the woman on the counter (in the Global Gossip Internet Cafe) about my problems and she told me how to compress them using Windows Picture Manager. Wowee! Cool!


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